Sunday, April 24, 2016

2 Months Old

Logan turned 2 months old on April 10th. I'm embarrassingly late posting this, but I swear I started it on the 10th! At least I'm posting it before 3 months, right?!

  • He's a total meatball! We guess that he is weighing in at about 12lbs. At our 6-week midwife discharge appointment, he weighed 10lbs 15oz. Based on these stats, it probably isn't surprising to learn that the boy loves to eat! Currently he is eating every 1.5-3 hours during the day. On the flip side, he is consistently sleeping for a 7-8 hour stretch at night (followed by another 3ish hours after he eats). He has yet to take a bottle from Jenn, but I really want to keep trying. I had to throw out 4oz of milk yesterday after two failed attempts and a few days in the fridge. It was painful. I loved having the option of giving the girls a bottle so that we could go out to dinner/have a life outside of the kids and would like that to continue! It's tough though because he LOVES the boob. I've realized that it is less about the milk and more about the boob. Jenn would put drops of milk on his lip but he would spit it out! It is clearly his comfort. He refuses to take an actual soother, so he uses me instead!
  • Napping during the day is still not his strong suit. He does get a good nap each morning but it is always in the Moby wrap or the car seat. I end up wearing him a ton during the day because he will not sleep for long in his crib, bouncy chair etc. I love having him in the carrier, but my poor back is taking a beating because there are days when he will spend hours in it and I need to keep moving.
  • He started smiling at about 6 weeks old. I forgot how amazing it is when they first start "giving back". He doesn't give them out easily, so you have to work for it! It is well worth the effort though because he has the most adorable little smile. It melts my heart when he smiles at Teagan and Quinn. They get so excited and make sure that everyone in the vicinity knows about it!
  • He knows what he wants and will let you know! We have realized that he loves to face out when being held, especially with me. I don't think he wants to miss anything. I also find that when I hold him against my chest, he starts "hen-pecking" even if he's eaten already. 
  •  He's strong! He has great head and neck control already and will even try to lift his head while sitting in his bouncy chair. He also tries to stand up when I hold him on my lap.
Our trio

The beanie twins

Love from Riles

…and Carlee

Midwife discharge day (with Sarah)

First smiles caught on camera!


  1. So cute. Too bad about the bottle but maybe as he gets older.

    I love when they start to smile. It makes it feel like you are getting rewarded for all the other stuff.

    Wow on the sleep front! That's great and must make it so much easier to be back in the baby stage with one who sleeps well. :)

  2. Ohhhhhhhh those rolls!!!! They are enough to make anyone want a baby! So adorable!

    Boo refused a bottle forever as well. Which was hard when Kris went back to work and not available for boob time all day long. She eventually started taking one from me during the day but I am pretty sure it took a 3 day long protest out of her before it happened. Clearly you've got a boob man on your hands ;)

    I know this was a post about Logan and turning 2 months old, but how are the girls doing with big sisterhood?!?!
