Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sleep makes everything better

On Saturday night, I slept for 9 hours straight. 9 hours! On Sunday, the world was brighter. I was happy. I was patient (or much more than usual). I was productive. On Sunday night, I slept for 8.5 hours straight. Last night, I slept for 8 hours. I'm a new person.

Prior to Saturday, we went through weeks (too many to count) of night and early morning waking. At it's worst, Teagan was waking 4 times in the night and Quinn started the day at 4:30am. The "best" we experienced was 1-2 night wakings. After six-ish weeks of this, I hit a wall. I was beyond exhausted. The girls were exhausted. We were all throwing tantrums. Our fuses were short. They fought with each other. We all yelled. Last Monday, I cried. Many times. I couldn't stop it or hide it from the girls. They asked what was wrong. "I'm so tired, guys. You've been waking Mommy up too much in the night." I didn't mean to guilt trip my 3-year olds. My friend said, "Congratulations! You are now certified to be a stereotypical Jewish mother. Mazel Tov!" She's Jewish. I needed a laugh. That night they slept and didn't wake until 7:00am. Hmmm….

(This is the main reason for my radio silence on the blog. I promise that I haven't forgotten about it.)


  1. We've been going through something similar but we are going on months of it now :( I think it's been going on so long because of the move. This morning G finally slept in unil 8, K & C are sleeping a little later, 7-ish but still waking a few times through the night

    1. Man I feel for you. Our really bad stretch started in October when we went to San Fran. Prior to that, they were up an average of 5 nights per week. I can't remember the last time we had a full week of good sleeping! When will this end for all of us?!

  2. Maybe I will try the guilt trip & see if it works on the boys. I'd try anything at this point!

  3. Do you think I could guilt trip an almost two-year old?

  4. Sleep is such a wonderful thing when you get it. My kids all wake me about 2 or more times a night still. They like to switch beds and find me during the night. I am thinking a night at a hotel would be like the best gift ever. lol

  5. I wouldn't call it a guilt trip, more like explaining the consequences of their behaviors. It's import for kids to learn to think about how their actions affect others, right?

  6. I'm an avid sleep trainer. That said, Boo slept on my chest 90% of our recent vacation...because dammit it was vacation and we needed sleep!!!! Besides, Jewish moms are awesome :)

  7. Lack of sleep is a killer in early childhood. I am not sure how some of us function at all. Congrats on some type of resolution. Guilt induced or not ;)
