Monday, March 25, 2013

Habits after sickness

Please tell me we're not alone.

The girls both came down with their first real sickness late last week. My mom, Jenn and I had all come down with nasty head colds. Jenn and my Mom were flattened by theirs. We are pretty sure that Teagan got this head cold too. She was more congested than I've ever seen her. She couldn't sleep. For two nights straight, she was up no less than 8 times. She barely napped. We did everything - raised one side of her crib, humidifier with eucalyptus, Cory.zalia, eucalypus chest rub, steamy baths... The poor kid just needed extra cuddles. For the first time ever, I brought her into bed with me. I was exhausted and she needed to be upright. We both managed to catch some zzz's lying propped up. During the day, she only wanted to be in my arms. Fortunately, for the first day of her sickness, Quinn was an angel. She happily entertained herself.

Then day two hit.

Quinn had woken in the night as well (a rarity). That morning, when I went to get her up, she was moaning, saying, "Mommy" in a weak little voice. I lifted her up and she started heaving. I ran her to the bathroom where she threw up. The smell, the look of puke...none of it matters when you see your baby's little body heaving like that. She seemed to feel a bit better after getting all of that up, but only wanted to be in my arms.

Two arms, two sick babies. Sadly, it wasn't that easy. A sick baby wants Mommy all to herself. While they would sometimes go to someone else, they usually only wanted me. If I put them down, they would cry. Given that they were under the weather, I gave in immediately. Lots of extra kisses and hugs. Extra nursing if they wanted milk (for fear of dehydration). Immediately responding to middle of the night cries.

But then sickness went away. The clingyness, crying and expectations have not. They cry at my feet, saying "up." They fight bedtime wanting to be rocked and cuddled. They each want to be in my arms alone and shove the other out of the way. They want to sit on my lap and have me spoon soup into their mouths. They want me at their beck and call.

Habits were formed in just a few days. I knew that Monday morning would be rough and sure enough, the day has been challenging. Hopefully breaking these habits will happen as quickly as they were formed!


  1. Oh, that sounds like a rough few days. Yes, they do develop habits so quickly, don't they? Glad they're healthy again and hopefully they will be back to their usual routines in no time.

    1. Teagan, especially, falls into habits way too quickly!

  2. I don't know how much of it is habit and how much of it is just time to feel 100%.
    Keep the habits and continue with the loves through it all and they'll come back. I hope. Really badly for their sake and your sanity.
    Good luck. ;-)

    1. So here's the catch. They are happy and "normal" with others (ie. their babysitter came for a few hours this aft and they were great). They are clingy and whiny with just me ;)

  3. In my experience, kids usually save their most challenging behaviour for the people they feel safest with! Hang in there. :)

  4. This *so* has happened to us with The Bean. We'll give in a little bit for a little while once he's better, a transitional period, one may say, but it's just too exhausting to keep up with. Plus, it really isn't wonderful for us to run into his room at night any time he makes a little noise --fine when he's sick and NEEDS us, but not so fine when he's well and should be sleeping.
