Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mean little prunes (almost limes)

I love those food comparisons. The prunes have been brutal to me this week. They must be going through a growth spurt or something. I have been so exhausted and nauseous. I described it the other day as feeling like I've run a marathon but have the flu. Tuesday was my worst day yet. Despite a nap, I felt like absolute crap. It probably doesn't help that I've developed mild insomnia as well. I fall asleep in minutes (snoring while Jenn tries to watch TV apparently), but usually can't fall back to sleep after my second middle-of-the-night bathroom trip. I'm not really the type to get angry at not being able to sleep. I end up lying there, my mind wandering to all sorts of places.

The prunes and I had a chat the other day. I explained that they're kicking the crap out of me this week. I said that I don't mind dealing with it, as long as they're growing big and strong. Apparently, they're the strong, silent types, so they didn't have much to say...

I love you little prunes, almost limes. My bitch session is done!


  1. when do the crazy food cravings kick in? like avocado ice cream or marshmallow sandwiches.

  2. Thankfully nothing too crazy yet...although I did eat chili for breakfast one morning.
